In rare instances your content may fail. This means BrandWell was unable to write a post given the prompt.


When that happens, you may see something like this:


If you hover with your mouse over the pink shape, you will see the reason why it failed.



What happens to the Post credit I used?

You will automatically be reimbursed the credit for a post that fails.


Here's what to do after that...


Review the input provided to the AI.

For instance, if you are converting a YouTube video into a blog post, ensure that the video contains spoken words. Without spoken content, BrandWell cannot perform a transcription. If the AI has no transcription to work with, it will not be able to generate a post.


It's crucial to provide relevant and actionable input to the AI for successful outcomes.


Create the Post Again

Click the icon next to the failed post to copy the keyword (or URL) to the clipboard.



Delete the failed post by clicking on the Trash can 🗑️ icon to the right of it:


Click on Write New Post. 



What if My Post Is Missing?

If your post is missing, follow the troubleshooting below.

  • Wait a few minutes

  • Refresh the browser window

  • Contact Support by clicking the purple icon in the bottom right corner of the screen when logged into BrandWell.