What is a Keyword?

A keyword is anything people type into Google.


If you wouldn't type it into this box...




...then it's not a keyword.


Some people refer to longer keywords as "keyword phrases" or "key phrases". They are effectively the same.


It's tempting to think your title idea for an article is a keyword. But titles ≠ keywords.


Ultimate Guide to the Best Kayaks: Reviews & Comparisons - not a keyword


✅ How to store kayaks - definitely a keyword


Why do Keywords Matter?


You can think of keywords as questions people are typing into search engines.


At the core of content marketing is meeting people where they're at in their customer journey (as opposed to the core of advertising, which is inherently to interrupt people's intent to watch or consume non-ad programming). As a starting point in content marketing, you want to answer the questions people are asking, not necessarily the questions people aren't asking.


Again, think of keywords as questions. People are asking questions. Questions about your industry. Questions about your product. Even questions about your exact brand.


This "conversation" is happening on the Internet whether or not you're a part of it.


Ask yourself, "Am I answering questions people are asking, or am I just making random content hoping people care?"

Finding questions people are typing into google is called keyword research.


How do I do Keyword Research?

Find keywords by doing keyword research in RankWell™.


How do I create content to "answer" questions my audience is typing into Google?

Write content by using BrandWell's RankWell™.


How Hard is it to Write Content with BrandWell?

Not hard at all. It's easy. All you need is a keyword.


In fact, our AI is so good that you don't need a brief. You don't need an outline. You don't need any special instructions or anything. Those are all optional. But not required.


How do I start writing Content using BrandWell?


If you simply put a keyword into BrandWell, our AI will research everything about that keyword. It knows:

  • What words to use

  • How many words to use

  • What the outline should be

  • How many external links to use

  • What other keywords to use

  • What reading level to use

  • and much more



***Bonus Content Below***


How Do I Find the right "Keywords"?


Great question. Great, great question!



Sometimes keyword research is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Some marketers spend years making the same keyword research mistakes over, and over again.


Let's skip that entire phase...


Here's a robust guide on how to find low-competition keywords. You can then put those keywords directly into RankWell™. Within minutes, you'll have a rank-worthy blog post targeting that keyword.


Deeper Understanding of Keywords

A keyword, in the context of search engine optimization (SEO), is a word or set of words that internet users type into search engines to find specific information. They are the queries, questions, and phrases that guide our online searches, helping us find the products, services, or information we're looking for.


Whether a person is searching for "healthy dinner recipes," "best hiking trails near me," or "how to tie a tie," they're using keywords. Each search query represents a person's specific need or question at that moment.


The Role of Keywords in Content Marketing

Keywords serve as the bridge between the user's search and the most relevant content related to that search. They are a crucial element of content marketing and SEO because they help content creators understand what their audience is interested in, and they enable search engines to match that content to relevant user searches.


BrandWell's AI understands this crucial role of keywords. It starts the content creation process by taking your target keywords and analyzing the top-ranking content associated with these keywords. This way, the AI doesn't just generate content; it creates content that's tailored to the needs and interests of your target audience.


Beyond Single Keywords: Long-Tail Keywords

While a keyword can be a single word, more often than not, it's a phrase consisting of two or more words, known as a long-tail keyword. These are more specific and often less competitive than single-word keywords. For example, "shoes" is a keyword, but "men's waterproof hiking shoes" is a long-tail keyword. Long-tail keywords allow you to target niche demographics more accurately and result in higher quality traffic to your website.


The Power of Keywords with BrandWell

Keywords are not just about understanding what your audience is searching for; they are also about creating content that answers those queries--effectively. BrandWell's AI is the best in the world at using keywords to generate SEO-optimized, long-form blog posts that not only rank well in search engine results but also provide high-quality, valuable content for your audience.

Keywords are the backbone of SEO and content marketing. They guide users to the content they're seeking and help content creators target their audience effectively. With BrandWell, you can harness the power of keywords to create high-quality, SEO-optimized content that meets your audience's needs and raises your visibility in search engine results.