BrandWell writes in any one of 100 languages. These languages are listed in the Language drop-down menu when you add a new website. 



Later, you can always change your language settings by visiting the Project Settings menu.


Go to General settings and find the Language scroll-down menu.


Choose your desired language, click Save, and you're done!

Translating an Existing Source into Another Language

Another way to create a post in BrandWell is using an existing blog post or URL. The good news is that you can use a source in a different language to your target language and the platform will translate it for you.

For example, let's say you found a great article about your keyword in English, but you want the output to be in Spanish. Let's see how you can do it.

First, go into your Project and make sure it's set to your target language. Click on 'Write Article' and select 'Blog Post or URL'. Click 'Next'.



You'll enter the Unified Editor, where you'll:

  • Paste the URL of the article in English

  • Type your target keyword (in the language you want the blog translated into)

  • Click on 'Write Article Now'