

You will own the copyright to posts you create using BrandWell.


Copyright Ownership: The Details



The U.S. Copyright Office (and the European Union) states the copyright of AI-generated content is OWNED BY the creator of the AI and not the user. But BrandWell passes the copyright down to you--the user.


In some jurisdictions (e.g. UK at the time of this writing) the author gets the copyright, no matter how they write the content.


Suffice it to say: no matter the jurisdiction, we always pass the copyright onto you--the user.


Why Does BrandWell Give me the Copyright?

Our primary objective is to ensure your utmost satisfaction when collaborating with us. We firmly believe in respecting the copyright of your content, enabling you to effectively market yourself through our platform. In short, we're focused on helping users create great content; we're not focused on hoarding others' copyrights.


Do Other AI Companies Pass the Copyright Down to the User?

Surprisingly No. ChatGPT and other large AI models are not clear about passing the copyright down to users. That means you need to think twice before using AI-generated content straight from ChatGPT (without editing) in books, or other important pieces of content attached to your name.


For instance, If you ask ChatGPT, it says: "the final decision on copyright and AI-generated content should be... left to the courts."


Why is BrandWell Different when it comes to Copyright?

BrandWell has a proprietary stack of 3 NLPs, and our own semantic search crawler. We do not use ChatGPT as the source for our content.


In other words, you will own the copyright of all the posts you create with BrandWell, while the same is not true with posts you create with ChatGPT or other AI model.